Sunday, March 4, 2012

C4K summary for February

comments for kids

Comments for Kids Summary for February


My first comments for kids assignment was a girl named Sara. The blog post of hers that I commented on was entitled NH. In this post Sara commented on how much she loved her school and that she had been attending the same one for 6 years. Sara also talked about how kind everyone at her school was including her friends, teachers, and principal. At the end of her post she commented on how she is having a lot of fun during class and that she was currently working on a science fair project.

My comment to Sara included a brief summary of who I am. I also commented that one of my favorite subjects in school was science. I asked Sara what her science fair project was on and she responded with “seeing if temperature changes plant growth” I left my blog URL for Sara to visit if she would like. In a response comment to me Sara mentioned how she had checked my blog out. I think that it is amazing that Sara and I are able to communicate with each other via internet. Sara seems to have a lot of enthusiasm for learning. I also think that with someone like me, hours away, showing an interest in her blog will encourage her to continue blogging.



My second C4K (comments for kids) assignment was a young man by the name of Jarrod. Jarrod is a student at Leopold Primary school in Victoria, Australia. In the blog I commented on Jarrod wrote about his favorite things to collect, Trash Packs or Trashies. Thanks to a YouTube video embedded in his blog I learned that Trash Packs are small figurines of assorted things such as scummy squirrel and etc. In Jarrod’s post he asked two questions. “What do you collect?” and “What great things do you have in your collection?”  

My response to Jarrod was when I was younger I collected things such as stones. I started my collecting after a trip to the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. I now collect jewelry with stones in them such as turquoise and amethyst.  In a response comment Jarrod told me that his cousin also collected stones. After reading more on Jarrod’s blog I learned that he was a finalist for “best student blog 2011” in edublog awards. Jarrod’s blog also consisted of many thorough and interesting posts. I noticed that a lot of Jarrod’s blogs had videos and YouTube videos that you could watch to better understand what he was writing. I think that in a few years Jarrod will be an even better blogger than he already is and that EDM 310 students could be assigned to his blog.  



For my final C4K for the month of February I commented on Carla's blog. Carla is a seventh grader from California. On her blog I was able to check out her ePortfolio. Unfortunately I could not comment directly to her blog so I left my comment on the classroom's blog. The ePortfolio showcased Carla’s work in her computer class. She had neat things such as pivot animation and research such as who was Steve Jobs.

In one of her posts she said that “you can have fun without electronics.” I mentioned to her in my comment that this is true but, if we have the tools why not use them to do cool things such as her pivot animation. Carla also used things such as Excel and paint in her ePortfolio. One thing that I really liked was her Voki. I think that this is a wonderful idea because you can put your own voice on your blog through this gadget.  I really enjoyed reading Carla’s ePortfolio and hopes that she continues to do neat things such as Voki and pivot animation.

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