Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blog Post 12

Audibility vs Intelligibility

1.Watch Audibility vs Intelligibility 
Write at least two paragraphs describing what you have watched and how to be sure, as a future educator, you are both audible and intelligible. Follow the requirements in Writing a Quality Blog Post.

Daniel Ostergren

Watching Audibility vs Intelligibility was a real eye opener. I must  say I have been in the situation myself where I heard what the teacher was saying but, did not grasp what he or she was actually talking about. For an example, when the President of the United States is giving an address or speech I hear that he is saying something but , I do not understand what he is talking about due to lack of knowledge of vocabulary used or not knowing the situation being addressed. I also think dialects and other things affect the way a teacher is audible and intelligible.

As an educator I think technology could help with ensuring teachers are both audible and intelligible. Recording (video or voice)  a set of instructions or lectures would allow students to replay what he/she did not understand.Blogs could come in handy too by posting what we went over for the day and summaries of what the lectures were and any assignments that needed to be done. I also think that having a instructional manual , such as Dr.Strange's , students are able to read aloud and actually look at what is being said word for word. I think that as a future educator I could improve understanding by clearly talking and by facing my students.


  1. Hi Heather,
    As I was reading your post, it made me think of a discussion we just had in my reading class. Our discussion was on comprehension. Sometimes it is difficult for students to comprehend because of lack of intelligibility. Just as you stated in your post, the lack of knowledge of vocabulary can be the reason someone does not understand what it being heard. That is a great point and some of the same points we made in my reading class. We discussed ways to increase a child’s vocabulary knowledge without having the child memorize the words and definitions, since we have already determined if there is not a real-life connection made to the information/word, than the child is not going to remember it or would not be able to intelligibly understand what is being read or heard (audibility). It is also important for teachers to educate in a way that is interesting to the students. If they are not interested then they can still hear what is being said, but not really “hear” it intelligible. I think with the use of technology teachers can find better ways to interest students and educate their vocabulary knowledge, rather than having them copy words and definitions down on paper.
    Thank you for the video, all teachers should make it their goal to be both audible and intelligible and they definitely have more ways of doing this with today’s technology.


  2. Cassie,
    thank you for sharing with me the discussion in your reading class. I also think that if a child has access to the web that students could type a word into a search engine and find the definition. I know that is what I do when I hear a word that I do not know. It is also way easier to type it into a search engine than find a dictionary and thumb through. Thanks again!

  3. Heather,

    Interesting assignment, just make sure to watch out for grammatical errors and word choice. You are almost done with the semester! =)


    Rebekah Lloyd
